Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Lemon Mandazi


Hello fellow cookers!
One of my all time favourite tea time snacks is the famed Mandazi. I like it all ways: small, large, doughy, hollow, sweet, savoury …I love my Mandazi. You can also fill your mandazi with Chips or  you can slice it in the middle and apply red plum jam. Its a very versatile snack and a favourite with kids. It can be packed for a picnic or a  lunch time snack. it can be eaten hot or cold and served with tea or juice As always feel free to add your favourite spice to make the Mandazi extra special. Also if making savoury mandazis use less sugar.

On the title of this post I put "African Hush Puppies?" This is cause they are very similar however for Hush Puppies the mixture is not mixed to the consistency of a dough but its more fluid. So one can use this same recipe to make Hush Puppies/ Drop Scones but one should add more liquid or use less flour.

Please feel free to add variations of your Mandazi Recipe on the comments!

(Serves 5)

2 cups Self Raising flour/ All purpose flour
½ a teaspoon baking powder if using All Purpose Flour
3 tablespoons Margarine/ Butter
4 tablespoons Sugar
Pinch of Salt
2 Eggs
1 Milk
½ a cup Lemon Rind (Grate 2-3 lemons)
1½ tablespoon Cinnamon or 1½ tablespoon Rosemary (optional)
1½ cups of oil for deep frying

-Sift flour into a bowl.
-Rub in the margarine or butter into the flour
-Add Sugar
-Add Cinnamon or Rosemary
-Add Lemon rind
-Mix the eggs and milk together and pour into the mixture to make a dough.
- Knead the dough until firm but soft.
-Let the dough rest for 30 minutes for soft mandazis. The longer you let the dough rest the softer the mandazis are.
- Roll out the dough and cut into suitable shapes. You can also use a cookie cutter or the rim of a glass.
- Heat the oil and deep fry the manndazi until golden brown.
-Spinkle sugar or icing sugar to garnish.
-Serve with tea or juice.

Happy Cooking,

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