Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Butternut Chapati and Bean Stew

I wasn’t such a big fun of chapattis while I was growing up but I have concluded that it was probably the way they were cooked. So out of necessity to diversify  my family menu I looked around for good chapatti recipe and I can gladly say that I found a gem that I will share in just a bit. I guess what I was missing all these years is that the secret to good chapatti is a generous amount of oil.
 As for this bean recipe it is just delish! I discovered it when I was going through a phase where I was off meat and this has now become a staple in my household. And as always no bean recipe (for me) is complete without mushrooms which are an optional additive.
Lastly stew making in my opin ion is a very instinctive process…for the bean stew feel free to put anything your heart desires to this stew…the two key ingredients however are the beans and the spinach. Happy Cooking! 

Serves 3

Butternut Chapatti
1 small Butternut
1 ½ cups of all purpose flour
1 cup of milk
Salt to taste
1 teaspoon sugar (optional)

-Half the butternut, boil it and scoop out the flesh from inside the butternut and mush it.
-Put the flour in a mixing bowl. Add the salt, sugar and 4 tablespoons of oil and butternut. Mix it.
-Add the milk and knead till it’s a dough.
-Divide the dough into balls.
-Roll out the dough into a flat chapatti. Brush oil onto the chapatti and roll it knead and roll it back into a ball.
-Once you have put oil onto all the balls. Roll out the balls into flat chapattis.
-Put I tablespoon of oil on the pan. Place the chapatti once the pan has been heated. Once one side has been cooked. Flip it and cook the other side.
-Once ready serve with the bean stew.

Bean Stew
1 ½ cups of red kidney beans (or whichever beans you like) boiled
4 spinach leaves
½ cup of mushrooms (sliced)
1 tablespoon garlic
1 onion finely chopped
2 tomatoes finely grated/pureed
2 tablespoons of butter
Salt to taste
1 beef cube

-Place the butter in a saucepan. Add onion, garlic and mushrooms. Fry until mushrooms are cooked.
-Add spinach and toss in the oil for 4 minutes.
-Add tomatoes and cook for 3 minutes.
-Add the beans, beef cube and salt to taste.
-You can add some water or beef broth if the stew is dry.
-Let it simmer for 5 minutes and serve with your chapattis

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