Monday, November 10, 2014

Tasty Fried Chicken! AKA “Mum’s Chicken”

I first ate this fried chicken courtesy of my University Roommate. She was having guests over and I just happened to be around. On the menu was mashed potatoes, french beans and carrots and fried chicken which she aptly called “Mum’s Chicken.” She invited me to grab a bite with her guests.Even though I had lunch plans I stayed on to eat the chicken, it looked so tasty and it had one of my most favourite ingredients, bacon. When I ate the chicken I died and went to heaven; At that moment I knew that that chicken was the truth!

Fast forward a few months later my fiancé and I had just started dating, and in my effort to impress him and “seal the deal” I offered to cook for him. I had a repertoire of tried and tested recipes but I knew if I was to get to his heart I had to cook something that would drive his taste buds crazy and I knew the secret weapon was “Mum’s Chicken”.

On the material day I went and bought some garlic, chicken masala and bacon. We then met bought some chicken and went to his place where we were to have our cooking date. He had a very bachelor-like kitchen but he had the essentials that were necessary to make “Mum’s Chicken”. I started preparing the chicken and I could see the anticipation on his face. When the food was ready we said a short prayer, served the food and started eating. When he took the first bite he had the same face I had when I first ate “Mum’s Chicken”; pure  delight. As he ate every bite he sighed, and “mmmd” and couldn’t stop saying how delicious the chicken was. After that meal, almost two and half years ago to this date, the rest is history... and it was all thanks to the recipe I’m about to share.

Serves 4
1 Chicken
2 teaspoons Chicken Masala (optional)
Garlic Powder
400g bacon
1 large egg
100g all purpose flour
200ml milk (optional, water can be used as a substitute)
Salt to taste
Vegetable Cooking oil for frying

-Cut up the chicken into pieces and wash .
-Place the chicken in a saucepan, pour in water until the chicken is slightly immersed add the chicken masala, salt to taste and garlic powder. Boil the chicken for 15 minutes. When ready drain the water and put the chicken aside.
-Prepare a batter by mixing the flour, milk, eggs and a pinch of salt to a smooth consistency.
-Take a piece of chicken and wrap the bacon around it. Hold the bacon in place by securing with toothpicks. Then dip the chicken in the batter.
-On a frying pan pour in vegetable cooking oil and let it heat. When the oil is hot enough put in the chicken and fry on all sides until golden brown
-Serve hot with Fried Rice, Pilau, Mashed Potatoes or Fried potatoes with an accompanying gravy and salad.

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