Saturday, July 19, 2014

How to make Pilau

I am not a big fun of rice in general but I just love Pilau. People often think that Pilau is complicated but thanks to Pilau Masala that is readily available in supermarkets making Pilau is much simpler. I remember when growing up I used to see my eldest sister making her own Pilau Masala with cloves and a host of other ingredients. However I should probably check with her to confirm if what I am saying is fact or fiction. However I know for sure she used to grind her own Pilau Masala with a pestle and mortar.

What I have outlined below is a simple Pilau recipe from which you can add chicken, veggies, potatoes or whatever your heart desires.

I was told that the secret to good pilau is to have enough oil, garlic and ginger. Furthermore I always add a beef cube though I know if I had the original beef stock my pilau would come out much more tastier. However the beef cube is a good substitute which I refer to as my secret recipe.


Serves 3

1 1/2 cups of rice
5 tablespoons oil
4 tablespoons pilau masala
1 tablespoon crushed garlic
1 tablespoon crushed ginger
1 large onion finely chopped
250 grams of chopped beef (boild prior to cooking)
2 medium sized potatoes cubed
1/2 cup peas
1medium sized tomato pureed/ 1 1/2 tablespoons tomato paste (optional)
3 small beef cubes/1 large beef cube or 3 cups beef stock

-Put the oil in a sufuria/sauce pan add the onions, garlic and ginger and put under a low flame. Let the ingredients simmer until the onions are soft. By this point the garlic should have browned.
-Add the tomatoes or tomato paste and let it simmer for 3-4 minutes.
-Add the beef, peas and potatoes, and mix with the ingredients. If you have any other type of meat or vegetable you should add them at this point.
-Add the rice and mix with the other ingredients.
-Add the beef stock or water. Note for1 1/2 cups of rice you will use 3 cups of liquid.
-If you used water crush the beef cubes with your hands and add it to the contents in the sufuria/sauce pan.
-Bring the rice to boil, when the liquid is almost finished. Reduce the flame to minimum and cover with a lid and let the rice finish cooking.
-When ready serve hot with a vegetable stew or kachumbari.

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