Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Creamy Mash and veggie Stew

I am admittedly a big fun of meat.  My favourites are well marinated roasted meat and fried cuts. So whenever lent (these are 40 days leading up to Easter) as a practicing Catholic I am not supposed to eat meat on Fridays of lent. This is a big sacrifice for me and the meal does not often feel complete.
So I decided to jazz it up and make a meal so tasty that I didn’t feel like I needed something extra (read meat) when I was done eating. So that is what inspired my super duper vegetable stew. As for the creamy mash…I just love potatoes and since I am off fried food for a while this seemed like a healthier and tasty option.


Serves 3
8large potatoes
4 cloves of garlic (crushed)
½ cup of milk
3 tablespoons of margarine or butter
Salt to taste

-Peel the potatoes and half them.
-Put the potatoes in a large saucepan with enough water boil them till cooked. Add the crushed garlic and salt.
-Once the potatoes are boiled. Add ½ a cup of milk and 3 tablespoons of butter or margarine. Pond them using a masher or a wooden spoon until smooth and creamy.
-Serve hot


Serves 3
1 courgette (sliced)
2 carrots (grated)
½ a cup of green peas
1 cup mushrooms
½ teaspoon mixed spices
3 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tomatoes finely grated
1 onion finely chopped
3 table spoons oil
½ a cup beef broth

-Put the oil in a saucepan. Add onions, mushrooms and mixed spices. Stir until the onions are translucent and mushrooms are cooked.
-Add tomatoes, peas and soy sauce.
-Add beef broth and let it simmer.
-When peas are cooked add the grated carrots.
-Let it simmer for 4-5 minutes.Serve hot!

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